Humility doesn’t suit me.  I know it’s seen as a virtue to be humble, but it really doesn’t fit me.  Maybe this comes from years of branding as the Marvelous Patric, but humility and I just don’t get along.

I’m from the Midwest, where to refer to oneself at all in any matter other than derogatory is considered gloating.  The Midwest mindset is that it is sinful to be prideful.  Even at your best, you say thank you for a compliment, if you must accept it, and then quickly steer the conversation away from anything positive you have done.

I don’t like this mindset.  Quite frankly, the world is far too wonderful for any of that.  And the world is wonderful largely because people do wonderful things.  This isn’t to say people don’t do terrible things, because they do, but I’d rather not think about that most of the time.  I like to look at the bright side of things and be happy and excited, a personality that seems in direct conflict with the Midwest.  I dislike cynicism for the most part, especially when I exhibit it.  Anything can happen in the universe, so why can’t it happen to / for me?

I also want to say on this topic that there is a difference between not being humble and being arrogant.  I think arrogance is false.  I rather think the true state of being I strive for superiority.  I try to be a better Patric.  I am the best at being Patric on the entire planet.  No one else could be better at being Patric than me.  And it is only because I am trying to always improve that I can maintain being the best at being Patric.  I am the superior Patric on the planet.

When I was in high school, a girl once said to me, “You think you’re better than everyone else.”  So, I decided, okay, sure.  I will be better.

Are you the best whatever your identity is on the planet?  Even if you are, try harder.  There may be some usurper waiting in the wings.   Be superior.